I have been thinking about jobs and careers and money a whole bunch lately. I have a job, but not the career I want. I have money, but not enough. It surprises me to say both those things, but they are true. I am not highly career-oriented, but I have realized that if/since I will spend 40 hours a week contributing to some sort of business endeavour, I want it to be something that I fully buy into, somewhere I would recruit my friends to join me, where the vision is to accomplish something bigger than ourselves. I don't care about being overly-rich, but I have come to value three things that I am not currently able to afford; living debt-free, saving money for the future and being able to travel. The first two seem obvious. The third: I'm not a big spender in most areas of life, and am most likely to "indulge" myself in a trip to visit far-away friends or see a new part of the world. I feel okay about this. As I have been thinking and talking about my ...