Earlier this week, someone reminded me that fall = new TV. I had forgotten, as I don't have a TV or a regular torrenting/streaming habit. Of course I instantly panicked that I was falling behind on my crime-drama-guilty-pleasures ( Bones and The Mentalist ), and promptly caught myself up. Bones is unfortunately not well-written at the moment, but I am highly committed to the characters and slightly crushing on all the men. Sooooooooo, I watch. The Mentalist comes back on Sunday, and let me tell you, I am pumped. And then when I got home from work yesterday, I was tired and achey and bored, and before you know it, I had watched 2.5 hours of comedy on my little netbook and it was dark and there were no lights on in my apartment... I felt a bit embarrassed, but reminded myself this is not a regular occurrence. And then I decided: this year, I'm watching Up All Night and Modern Family . I'm not watching New Girl or Parks and Rec . Maybe I'll watch 30 ...