Sometimes I get SO BORED at work and think, Why is the internet so dull and useless?? Then other times, I have SO MANY tabs open that I can’t catch up on all the thoughts I have. Today is a many-tab day. Here are most of them: Charlie Wilson’s “ Music for Sleeping Children ” - I don’t even know what it is yet! But I’m intrigued. “ Self Service ” via The Walrus – convicting and thought-provoking, as I consider my constant desire to move to a developing nation: This is the conundrum: earnest thinking about work in the developing world brings the potential of neo-colonialism. But if you embrace the approach I felt so proud of, viewing Africa as a place to learn from, then you risk falling down the Kony hole. This can have practical consequences. Young foreigners interested in self-improvement, who may feel unsure about why they are there in the first place, don’t make the best workers, and they can take jobs away from locals. Does this mean we should disengage? ...