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Two Helpful Things

1. For the last week, I have been drinking at least two litres of water every day. This is a phenomenal accomplishment for me. In Spain, I sometimes struggled to drink that much, and I was walking 25 kms a day!!!

I think hydrating is benefiting many parts of my life, like metabolism and energy and general well-being. It helps that I sit at a desk all morning/all day. If I fill up my water bottle, drop in a little bit of lemon, and stick it in front of me, I will drink it. And I will snack less.

2. Tonight, I got discouraged and insecurity reared its head and I had a mini freakout inside my mind. Then I decided to call my sister (thanks for chatting, Sa-Sa!) and then I decided to re-read some personality info about myself because I am someone who needs validating. One personality-type profile I have on hand tells people who manage me to "stroke often." If that doesn't scream "emotionally needy," then I don't know what does.

For those who care,
I am an INFJ on the Meyers-Brigg charts. I have a "rich, vivid inner life" and am "sometimes puzzling even to themselves." Tell me about it.

When it comes to the Enneagram, I'm a Type 1. I want the world to be good and I despise hypocrisy, and typically feel that I have to "justify their actions to themselves, and often to others as well."

What's your "personality type?" What sticks out as insightful and helpful?

You know, I bet there is a type of person who hates questions like that and would rather poke themselves in the eye than do an online questionnaire that will assign them a number. But you know what? That person is not me. And both kinds of people are okay and good and needed in this world.

It's bedtime now.


  1. I love the murmuration video you provided a link for via Twitter. That was amazing!!!

  2. Lisa - not gonna lie, I totally thought of you. :) And was thinking of posting it on facebook for you. But now I know you've found it.

  3. Keep drinking that water! Glad to hear it is helping you feel better. Although I have done personality tests, I don't like them. My head understands the value, to a point but my heart definitely goes "NO!". Just in case you did not know, I think you are an awesome young woman!

  4. MLW - do you know what it is about them that your heart doesn't like? I'm curious! (and thanks.)

  5. I think it is the idea of making "concrete" something which I believe God is in the process of changing and renewing. Also, making something concrete brings one face to face with reality and perhaps some negative things I would rather not face and have to deal with. I also don't like being defined or defining others by one persons parameters/descriptions. I prefer to be described by how God has made and is making me. None of these personality tests are definitive, they are generalities, tendencies. These are my quick responses to your query and probably somewhat disjointed.

  6. I love personality tests. Love them. But I hate when people view my results and think they know me or box me in. That bugs me.
    I am an ENFP (or I was the last time I did it).

  7. mlw & vanessa - i totally get the distaste for being "boxed in." for me, this sort of test gives me the freedom to be who and as i am instead of feeling like i SHOULD be some other way... does that make sense?

  8. INFJ is the most rare of all the types... and yet it is also mine. i knew i liked you. haha


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