Sometimes it seems that celebrities adopt babies like they are adopting a really expensive pet.
I need to join a book club. Or force my friends to read the same literature that I do, so we can discuss it.
I feel like I'm running out of original ideas for my Dear Stranger blog. Is it me, or have I truly seen the majority of Toronto's characters?
I don't get to sleep in tomorrow. Probably not the next day. Definitely not the day after that. Sunday, perhaps?
A photo of yesterday's police funeral procession brings tears to my eyes. I think, "My brother is somewhere in the crowd with tears in his eyes..." - and now as I type this there are more tears in my eyes.
I love little kids. Especially in short doses. I love being called "Miss" and having my hand held by sticky fingers. I love their candor and curiosity.
Perhaps I am wrong about career choices for the fall. How long can I afford to be unemployed?
Even on a lovely hazy summer day, I am capable of thinking things that frighten me.
Ice cream. Tonight I will eat ice cream with Lynsey.
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