Can guys and gals be friends? Just friends? Real friends? Short answer: Rarely. Mid-length answer: Casual, circumstantial friends? Absolutely. Close, committed friends? I usually recommend against it, and I have far more disaster stories than I do "success" stories. Best friends? No. Long answer: Casual friends: I think that, in church circles at least, we don't do enough of this. These are the people you work with or the people you see on a regular basis at your church, or friends of friends that you're often in contact with. When group events happen, you can have genuine (but general) conversations with them. You don't avoid them, you like them, you enjoy your interactions with them. But you don't seek out time with them. In this context, I think men and women can do a much better job of being encouraging and caring than we often do. I think you can love someone without an intimate friendship. And we should do more of that. Close friend...